Friday, September 17, 2010

A New Perspective on Reality

I recently posted some stuff about reality and the nature of mathematics and the physical world. My views have changed quite a bit and so I want to discuss the issue of reality in this post.

Before discussing things in the context of reality, one should realize that “reality” is just a construct of our minds. We are provided with inputs from the outside world through our senses and our brains construct reality in a way that satisfies all our input. For example I detect a pattern of excitement on my retinas as well as on my fingers and thus I perceive a keyboard in front of me. There is no “keyboard” on my retinas or fingertips, but I create the idea of a keyboard to make sense of my senses and be able to take action. The bottom-line is that all of reality is just an idea. This idea can get more sophisticated by introducing numbers and mathematical quantities. We have evolved to see things in terms of numbers and quantities and we have developed mathematics to describe, analyze, and predict the world around us. There is no sense in asking if these ideas exist in external reality – there is no answer to that question. All of these ideas (objects, quantities, etc.) are all ways to describe our input and make predictions. As long as these ideas make right predictions, they are considered “real” ideas.

On a separate note I also want to add that physics (or all science for that matter) is not about investigating the nature of these ideas, but rather expanding them. For example, time is a basic idea in “reality”. Physics does not try to tell us what time is. Maybe we can reduce the idea of time to a simpler and more general idea, but the problem stands because the nature of that idea is still questionable. Instead, physics develops the idea of time by measuring it and quantitatively relating it to other ideas to find things like the fact that time is relative. Thus we can only develop our ideas and make a more comprehensive, more accurate, and more predictive reality for ourselves.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Laws and Definitions: Newton’s Laws of Motion

I find that in a lot of textbooks take definitions for granted and they do not differentiate laws and definitions. Let me be clear by what I mean by definitions. Most things cannot even be defined in the dictionary sense. For example one cannot really define what time is. But we can measure it. Quantitative relationships, which are the core of physics, come from quantitative measurements. We can take a periodic event as our standard measure of time and quantify time. We can also pick a unit of length and define a frame of reference in order to measure distance and position. We can then relate distance and time and find relationships such as centripetal acceleration to tangential velocity.

In order to demonstrate how most source do not properly define entities, I am going to discuss Newton's laws of motion and explore mass and force. Let's take Newton's second law: F = ma. Acceleration is a well-defined quantity which can be observed and measured. But what about mass and force? We might have some conceptual ideas about them but how do we measure them? Most resources say force is the thing that causes an object to accelerate. And mass or inertia is the resistance of the object to acceleration. Those are a good conceptual definitions, but this is mathematical truism. The measurement of force depends on mass and the measurement of mass depends on force. One quickly realizes that this is a useless relationship on its own because it does not tell us anything. When two quantities are undefined in a mathematical statement, its neither a law nor a definition - it's just useless. This is where most textbooks fall short because they do not define these quantities.

So how can we define and measure mass and force and give meaning to Newton's second law? It is clear that we need to define these values based on some measurable entity. Realizing this problem, the Austrian physicist Ernst Mach reformulated Newton's laws of motion based on measurable entities. He summarized Newton's laws into a single law:

"When two compact objects [point masses] act on each other, they accelerate in opposite directions, and the ratio of their accelerations is always the same. "

There is no mention of mass or force in this law; only acceleration. One can then quantitatively define mass and force based on this law. First we define an inertial frame of reference. Take the set of isolated point masses A and R, where R is takes as a reference point mass. At any time, if A is accelerating, R is accelerating in the opposite direction and the ratio of the accelerations is a constant. We define the mass of R as our reference mass with a unit of 1. Therefore, the mass of A is the ratio of the acceleration of A to R. Now mass is a measurable entity. Then we define force as mass times acceleration so that a unit of force (N) accelerates one unit of mass (kg) at 1 unit of of acceleration (m/s^2).

You have probably noticed that this definition is based on Newton's third law, which does not hold in relativity and thus in forces under Lorentz Transformation. Therefore, we need to modify and generalize our definition of mass. This definition is given in the paper "A Rigorous Definition of Mass in Special Relativity" written by E. Zanchini and A. Barletta. There is also a more formal version of the definition of mass in Newtonian mechanics. I highly recommend reading the paper:

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The Essence of Intuition and Its Role in Physical/Mathematical Discoveries

I have been thinking about the role of intuition in physical discoveries and mathematical reasoning. Intuition is a great tool that we have developed in order to navigate through the world around us. If one stops to think, intuition or common-sense is a crude and simple form of mathematical logic and a set of definitions that are based on what is around us. Our intuition can only comprehend finite and discrete things, as these are the things that we deal with in our lives. Furthermore, we build a conceptual framework by categorizing and naming how the things around us seem to us. Thus, say things like “this is a particle, that’s a wave.” And we use analogies to “understand” things by saying like “The particle acts like a bullet here, etc.” However, the whole universe is a much much more complicated mathematical structure which goes beyond the simple logic that evolution and experience have equipped us with. The remarkable fact, however, is that we have come to learn mathematical logic and discover nature through its most basic logic. Well maybe it is not that surprising after all since we are ourselves one of the products of this mathematical structure – the universe looking back at itself.

As we enter new realms of reality through experimentation or mathematical reasoning, we often discover “counter-intuitive” realities. If one does not have the right approach, the struggle to “understand” becomes really frustrating. One has to realize that our intuitive understanding is only designed for quick navigation for only a small portion of the vast mathematical reality. Therefore, none of our discoveries are counter-intuitive because we simply do not have any intuition for those contexts. For example, some people might find the fact that 1 = 0.99999… very counter-intuitive. But the point is that we do not have any intuition about something that is infinitely continued. I would only call it counter-intuitive if one shows that 0.9 = 1 or that a large sphere can fit in a smaller one, because those are the things that I have developed intuition for. But these things are mathematically false and so I don’t have to worry about them. The point is that intuition is a tool that has been developed out of mathematical logic and our intuitive understanding is limited to our context. Another example of the misuse of intuition is quantum mechanics. One cannot say the behaviour of things (I say “things” for the lack of a better word) is counter-intuitive at the quantum level, because we have not developed any intuition for that scale; its neither intuitive nor counter-intuitive.

Nevertheless, intuition can still be really helpful at times. After all, its our brains’ natural mode of thinking and reasoning. One very simple example of how intuition might be helpful could be analyzing the motion of a ball rolling down an incline. Generally-speaking, circular motion is not the most intuitive concept, but instead of taking the integral of the forces on all the points in and on the ball in its initial state in order to find the torque, we can quickly say that there is no torque due to gravity because of the symmetry of the ball. Note that this is still mathematical reasoning, but it’s the kind of reasoning that we are intuitively good at and it can save us a lot of time and effort.

All in all, it is important to realize the capabilities and limitations of our intuition. When used properly, it can boost our problem-solving and give us directions, and when used improperly it can prevent us from developing our understanding of nature.

Friday, August 13, 2010

The Strange Effectiveness of Mathematics

Lately I have been preoccupied with the rather philosophical question of why we are able to discover physical laws through mathematics; or put another way, why does the universe follow mathematical laws and a consistent line of reasoning. One could also go on to ask if mathematics is a human invention or an independent entity that is being discovered bit by bit by humans

Some say mathematics is a form of language invented for the purpose of formulating and describing the world around us and thus there is no sense in asking why it is so effective. I do not agree with this. Firstly, mathematics is not a language, it is a logic system. Furthermore, what is so interesting and astonishing about the power of math is not that it can describe the world around us, but that it can make predictions. Unlike the other sciences, in physics one can deduce new ideas and principles mathematically. I recommend reading “The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Mathematics in the Natural Sciences” by Eugene Wigner ( and its follow-up, “The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Mathematics” by R.W. Hamming ( to understand the power of mathematics.

As I was reading different ideas about and nature and relation of mathematics to science, I came across the Mathematical Universe Hypothesis proposed by Max Tegmark. Tegmark’s hypothesis states that our external physical reality is a mathematical structure. Tegmark extends his idea to say every mathematical structure has physical reality and our universe is just one mathematical structure, out of many, that has been complex enough to allow us to evolve in it (anthropic principle). The purpose of this post is not to discuss the details of Tegmark’s ideas (which can be found here: but to discuss my own thoughts in regard to the questions proposed in the beginning of this post. The source and effectiveness of mathematics are no longer puzzling if, as Tegmark says, “our universe is mathematics in a well-defined sense.” After all, the universe follows mathematical logic and physicists follow this line of logic to discover how nature works. Maybe developing mathematics is ultimately a journey of discovery – a unique form of discovery which progresses through creativity in the use of the logic that comes to us from nature.

One of the challenging ideas about this school of thought is the relationship of mathematical equations and their interpretations. I find one good example of this to be the equations of quantum mechanics. Our mathematical model of quantum mechanics seems to accurately describe what happens at the quantum level, and their implications have been consistently proven. Yet, there are many interpretations of quantum mechanics that attempt to give some physical meaning to the mathematics of the theory. If the universe is a purely mathematical construct, then there should not be different candidates of reality arising from a single mathematical theory. If this is true, then surely there is more than mathematics to the reality and truth that physicists attempt to understand. However, I do not believe this to be the case. The important point important point is that each scientific interpretation assumes a different and distinguishable mathematical structure. For example, in quantum mechanics the Many Worlds interpretation introduces a unique mathematical system in which the collapse of the wave function is associated with splitting the universe into mutually unobservable, alternate histories—distinct universes within a greater multiverse.Obviously this is a completely distinct mathematical landscape than the Copenhagen interpretation for instance. Therefore, the existence of many interpretations for the same set of mathematical laws is not because mathematics does not completely define reality, but the fact that we do not have the complete mathematical landscape of reality. In fact, conceptual and non-mathematical ideas are just shortcuts for us to examine possible mathematical structures, which will be proven right or wrong through experimentation or further mathematical reasoning as other laws get discovered. All in all, conceptual interpretations are a starting point to get to the ultimate mathematical reality, not the other way around.

Friday, July 30, 2010

BP Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico

As you all probably know, there has been a huge oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, which started by the drilling rig explosion on April 20th. The spill has been temporarily stopped since July 15th by capping the gushing oil wellhead.

What is really irritating about the spill is how the situation was handled and how the environment was so severely damaged due to corporate and financial arrogance.

Firstly, it is interesting to note how it all began. There are regulations that are designed to prevent this disasters. When oil-drilling companies like BP operate in other countries, they are obligated to have safety switches that shut off the wells. However, during the Bush administration BP was allowed to operate without these expensive safety measures. Mike Papantonio, an environment lawyer explains the situation:

I would recommend you to also take a look at these extensive articles by the New York Times and Newsweek:

It is also stated in the articles that BP workers reported bits of rubber gurgling up through the pipe but their supervisors did not do anything about the situation.

But the more frustrating part is how BP is dealing wit the situation after the explosion. While the environment and the wildlife is being absolutely devastated by the oil, the BP is just stirring and mixing the oil in the water.

They have come up with these so-called containment booms to prevent the oil from going to the beaches. The booms are only 13 inches in diameter and the oil goes right underneath them. This is just ridiculous. Watch the following video showing how the oil spill is being dealt with and how the ecosystem is being completely destroyed.

In addition to such stupid pretending to clean the oil, BP is fighting scientists to keep its publicity. To me, this corruption is incredibly frustrating. BP has started buying scientists from different universities. Their lawyers offer scientists a $250/hour pay to the scientists in exchange for working for the company and keeping all their findings from being published. The following BBC report explores the situation:

In addition, the corruption in laws and regulations and their implementation is evident in the case of the substances that BP is throwing into the water. In order to hide their mess, BP is adding dispersants into the spill. These are materials that dissolve oil in water. Therefore, not only the dispersants carry the oil all the way to the bottom of the ocean, affecting almost all organisms along the way, but it makes the oil 19,000 times more poisonous! The dispersants carry the oil right into the body of the organisms and it also dissolves the lipids of the cells of their bodies. As if that weren’t enough, BP refuses to realise information on what chemicals they are using! Scientists are helpless and irritated because they do not even know what to expect if they don’t know what BP is doing. This is really disturbing and it speaks of the corruption of the system. BP realise information on some of these ingredients on June 8th and it turns out that they are using the most poisonous and harmful dispersant because it is the cheapest. I highly recommend watching Susan Shaw’s talk on TED about this issue:

As Carl Safina said in this talk, this is all because “for the last at least 30 years, there has been a culture of deregulation that is caused directly by the people who we need to be protected from,buying the government out from under us.” It is evident that something has to be done about this corrupt corporate culture. I do not believe that capitalism and the corporate system have to be gotten rid of altogether. After all, nothing matches the growth and development and the convenience of a free economic system. It is due to this corporate culture that today we drive such safe and technology-advanced cars instead of Ford’s Model-T. What we do need is some serious regulations and their fair implementation. Ultimately, the integrity of the government lies upon the people. After all, as it has repeatedly been shown in history, no one is as strong as the people. And this is getting easier as advances in technology are making the world more and more interconnected and transparent.

I am going to finish off by a poetic quotation that I recently read, in response to how we are ignorantly ruining our environment and ultimately hurting ourselves:

"Only after the last tree has been cut down,
only after the last river has been poisoned,
only after the last fish has been caught,
only then will you realize that money cannot be eaten."

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Headset that Reads Brainwaves

I haven’t posted anything in a long time, as I have been busy with other things. But I came upon new piece of technology that is just too cool to ignore.

Emotive Systems has created a headset that uses the user’s brainwaves as the interface of the computer. Thus the user can do whatever he or she wants by simply thinking about it.

This is not a completely new technology in its hardware and it is actually not very profound in scientific terms. By that I mean the device does not really know the functioning or the anatomy of the brain. It is simply an algorithm that records brainwaves when the user thinks of doing a certain task and then the computer performs that task whenever it is provided with the same input. This means that the technology is limited since the computer has to first match each of the specific tasks that it offers with a certain brainwave. However, I must add that the algorithm is not as simple as it sounds since it has to detect, filter, and recognize brainwaves. Obviously, brainwaves are much more complicated, variable and noisy than a simple digital circuit.

Nevertheless, this technology is profound in human-computer interfacing and indeed very enjoyable to use.

I think we have just seen the future of human-computer interfacing. Click on the video and watch for yourself:

This summer I am reading the Feynman Lectures on Physics written by Richard Feynman and The Selfish Gene written by Richard Dawkins. I will probably write a review on them some time before university starts.

Friday, May 21, 2010

The First Synthetic Cell

Yesterday, the creation of the first synthetic cell was announced by Craig Venter, one of the greatest biologists of our era. This is the first self-replicating organism on the planet whose parent is a computer.
After a fifteen year journey (during which he also decoded the human genome), Craig Venter's team successfully made a complete synthetic genome, transplanted it to a bacterial cell, and booted it up in the cell to produce a new species. The genome was designed on computers and created from four bottles of chemicals. Then, the chromosomes were assembled in yeast. One of the major obstacles was to boot up the genome in the bacterial cell, since the transplant chromosomes were rejected and destroyed by the recipient cells. Advances were made to remove restriction enzymes from recipient cells and insert chromosomes with methylated DNA in the cells.
Other problems in the project were debugging issues. Initially, the transplanted chromosomes did not support life because only one base pair was deleted. This led to the development of debugging programs that made the production of the life-supporting synthetic genome possible.

One interesting aspect of this genome is that it has watermarks embedded in it for identification. Using a specific code, the names of the authors and the website of the genome were spelled out in the genome.

This amazing breakthrough has vast implications. Firstly, it tells us about the basic recipes of life as well as the dynamic nature of it. It also provides technical advancements such as the production of vaccines and production of new and useful species, such as algae that can make oil out of the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. We can only begin to imagine what might come out of this astonishing revolution.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Irrationality Proofs

Number theory has always been a fascinating topic to me. If one stops and thinks, the concept of irrational numbers is a very intriguing one; numbers that we cannot determine the exact value of. For example we cannot locate the exact value of √2 on the number line. I find this idea very strange and curious.

To be more precise, irrational numbers are those that cannot be expressed as the ratio of two integer numbers. One interesting approach is to examine irrational numbers by continued fractions. Every number can be written as a continued fraction in the form of

This is an alternative to decimal representations, which is not based on a specific base number. For example:

Irrational numbers are in fact produced from infinite continued fractions. For example:

The value of a number can be approximated to different accuracies by truncating the continued fraction at different poinst.

Determining the continued fraction for an irrational number is also very interesting and I might cover it in a later post. In this post, I am going to prove the irrationality of some numbers such as √2 and π.

Irrationality of √2:

This is proof by contradiction. Let’s assume there is a simplified fraction a/b which is equal to √2.




∴a^2 | 2

∴a|2 since a∈Z

Since a is even, b cannot be even (since a/b is a simplified fraction).

Since a is even, there should be an integer k for which a=2k.




∴b^2 |2

∴b|2 since b ∈Z

But b cannot be even. Since a and b are both even, a/b is not a simplified fraction. Therefore, by proof by contradiction, √2 is irrational. Specifically, this is called proof by infinite descent.

Irrationality of π:

This proof is much more difficult and interesting. We are again going to use proof by contradiction. Since this proof involves a lot of exponents, derivatives, and integrals, I have written the proof in Microsoft Word and I am going to upload it here as images.

In future posts I might show irrationality proofs of other numbers as well as proof of transcendence, which is another interesting property of some numbers.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Computing a Theory of Everything

Stephen Wolfram has initiated an interesting approach in studying the physical universe. He tries to create our physical universe out of the much more diverse computation universe, the vast abstract universe of computation and mathematics.

Wolfram has created Mathematica and Wolfram|Alpha, two very powerful mathematical/computational tools. He is also the author of "A New Kind of Science" (which is available online). Wolfram has established a new kind of science (as he calls it) which examines the complexity of systems from very simple computational rules.

In his talk at TED, he outlines this idea and how it relates to our physical world, in the sense that our seemingly complex universe could be the product of simple rules which could be simulated in computers. Wolfram has done much research on this issue and has actually created universes that come very close to ours.

I personally believe that this approach is very valuable and successful. Our understanding of nature lies in understanding complexity in systems consisting of different parameters. Not only will this approach make contributions to theoretical physics (hopefully), but it will also allow us to understand much more complex systems such as those in biological organisms. Something as complex as the brain can only be studied from this approach.
As a matter of fact, a very interesting field named Computational Neuroscience is being established. Many mathematicians, programmers, neuroscientists, and physicists will come together to study the brain from a computational point of view. I personally cannot wait to see what will come out of this in the upcoming years.

Neil Turok's TED Prize Wish

Neil Turok is the director of the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics and a very successful physicist. I was rather shocked when I came upon his Prize Wish video at TED. Alongside his successful academic life, he manages to be quite active in helping other people and providing aid and education in Africa. I think this is an interesting and moving talk by him that really shows some important values:

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Some Interesting Quotes

Here is a list of some interesting quotes that I have encountered here and there. I tried to put them in order from my most favourite to least, but it's not that easy. Here is what I came up with:

"It is not complicated; there is just a lot of it."
Richard P. Feynman

"Life is a sexually transmitted disease."
R. D. Laing

"Physics is like sex. Sure, it may give some practical results, but that's not why we do it."
Richard P. Feynman

"Genius is one percent inspiration, ninety nine percent perspiration."
Thomas A. Edison

"In science one tries to tell people, in such a way as to be understood by everyone, something that no one ever knew before. But in poetry, it's the exact opposite."
Paul Dirac (1902 - 1984)

"We must not forget that when radium was discovered no one knew that it would prove useful in hospitals. The work was one of pure science. And this is a proof that scientific work must not be considered from the point of view of the direct usefulness of it. It must be done for itself, for the beauty of science, and then there is always the chance that a scientific discovery may become like the radium a benefit for humanity."
Marie Curie (1867 - 1934), Lecture at Vassar College, May 14, 1921

"It is our choices that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities."